You Matter In this World

We often times go through life wondering if we matter to anyone. Hoping and yearning to be appreciated for the gifts we have or the talents that we have been given. Aimlessly wandering through this life praying that someone will give us the credit or the attention we desire.

I have fallen victim to this mentality. Hoping that someone will tell me how great I am, and how much of a difference I make. Well today I am here to tell you that you matter. You make a difference and the world is a better place because you are in it. Don't fall victim into anyone telling you any differently. Today is your day to take the stand and allow this to be your time. You can impact the world one person at a time. If you give one person each day the attention that you feel you need. If you are craving it then think about the rest of the world feeling the same way. Tell someone you come into contact with today or tomorrow how great they are. How much they matter in this world. I guarantee you they will look at you as if you are crazy, but it will mean so much to them in the long run.

We are all searching for purpose, and today is your day of purpose. Positively impact someone in your world today. This is your challenge shall you choose to accept it. Give the person LOVE, it's what we all crave and what we feel we need. They shall see the love of Jesus shine through you. Each action will cause a chain reaction. If we can get past ourselves and give the attention to another person you will be truly surprised how much better you will feel. The Bible says "more of Him and less of me." Therefore if we put someone before ourself today it shall advance the kingdom of the Lord.

Not trying to get all preachy on you I just have seen it work in my life. As I have put others needs before my own. My needs were therefore met. Not giving the person the permission to run over me, but doing one good deed for another person. Test the Lord on this and see how you feel from it.

I believe in each and everyone of you reading this. I may not know you, but I have prayed before writing this that whoever needs to read this shall. So therefore it is done. Because you are reading this post, there is a purpose that will served from it. Today is your chance to be Jesus to someone. Let him work through you today and it will amaze you!



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