Praise Elevates Everything

As we begin our celebration of Thanksgiving, the travels to our cities or by staying where you are. The eager anticipation of being with loved ones. The feeling of gratefulness for what we have as it floods your soul. Soon coming together at the table and sharing the blessed meal, turkey, mashed potatoes, dressing, and gravy. Let us not forget the amazing pies that will be consumed. We should be in a life of Thanksgiving. Counting the wonderful blessings in our life. The air I breathe, the eyes I see with. Thank you Lord for the ability of speech. Let the thankfulness go through the year and not ended after one day. We have so much to be thankful for! As the Christmas season approaches and we all begin to spend remember the best present of that we can give is time. Time is something that we can not use it again whether it is with a loved one or serving. Whatever you decide to do with it spend it wisely. Remember, you can earn more money, but when time is spent it's gone fore...