Strength Represented in my Family

My family to me represents strength, endurance, love, and compassion. Our solid rock Jesus Christ has done a work in us and continues daily. This picture to me represents a many number of things, but when I look at it I see that we are unbroken. The enemy may have tried to shake us, but at the end of the day we are stronger than ever. The heart of my father inspires me daily. It motivates and drives me. My Dad has worked so hard to provide for my family and it is truly a testament. This photo was taken on Thanksgiving at the St. Louis Thanksgiving Day Parade. The smiles in this photo are genuine and authentic together as a family giving thanks for all that we have and all that we will have. As our family grows and one day when we marry and bring childeren into this world I will have learned everything I know from these times. The Holiday represent so many things to me and I am thankful that I share life with the amazing people in this photo. I love you with all of my heart...