What My Sister Means to Me

When I think of this life, about who I am and where I am going, I remember one very important thing, My sister. Lindsay has played such an important role in my 27 almost 28 years on this Earth. I remember growing up together as brother and sister fighting with each other constantly, probably being some of the worst behaved siblings. If you knew us then you'd have said gosh they hate each other and they will never ever get along. From huge out bursts or just your typical rolling of the eyes at each other. Growing up and wanting to be away from each other. Remembering when we had our trips back and forth to each set of families(since we come from a divorced family.) Christmas Eve trips to my aunts on my Dads side, then to my uncle on my Moms side. The hustle and bustle of the holidays can bring frustration to anyone. The one thing I have realized about this life is that my sister and I have been through pretty much everything together, the highs and lows of life. We have bee...