Inside the Actors Struggle- Humility

Walking in the journey of my life, I am learning through everything the Lord wants to keep me humble. No matter how much success I may think I am experiencing, He constantly reminds me that nothing I have ever been given was earned in my own strength. I have walked through so pretty amazing opportunities the last 4 years of my life. Starting by stepping out in faith by moving to Nashville, and then most recently leaving my full time job to pursue my dreams of working in the industry.

To make ends meet I serve at Logan's Roadhouse. It has been such an extreme blessing, and gives me the opportunity to be very flexible with working in the industry. I am able to have someone cover my shifts or request off if I know a terrific opportunity is coming. That is a true benefit of being a server. It also is a ministry in it's own right, I get to the hands and feet to Jesus. I consider it a great honor. I learn daily that no matter what I go through, people don't care. They want to be served no matter what I may be dealing with in my personal life.

I work for tips, I make 2.13 an hour. I also give a portion of my tips to bussers, hosts, and bartenders. It's hard when you every minute matters in your job. My tip can come down to the very detail of an entire meal. My service is defined by the tip my guest leaves me. It can be a hard thing at times to deal with. When a guest has a $50 check and reaches in their wallet and hands me $3 dollar bills and says, "This is for you." It can tend to take my breath away because of the effort I put into their meal. It always amazes me how under educated Americans are on service. We don't teach it in our schools, and it isn't even required when eating out.

The one thing that I strive for which isn't always easy is to give great service no matter how I think the situation will play out. I have to constantly stay in prayer through my entire shift. I don't always succeed, but I know that the Lord is giving me strength. I am constantly learning from my mistakes, and I truly believe that is what it's about. I am always learning from my past. Taking the knowledge and applying it to our future.

This scripture constantly plays in my mind is:

Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding.
-Proverbs 4:7

Logan's keeps me humble because no matter what success I have I am still a server to the guests who come their to eat food. They don't care what I have done or where I have been, all they want is their food. I hope this helps all the readers. I know it's my journey, but I am always glad to share my life's journey with you. I know that each of us has our own story, but that is what makes our life interesting.

My point to this is if you want to work as an actor in Hollywood, Atlanta, or Nashville then you need to provide for yourself first. You need an income that will allow you to do what you love, and my suggestion is serving. It will give you the finances so you can pursue your dreams as well as the flexibility in your schedule.

In all things remember:


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