It's a Wonderful Life

Do you think in 1942 Jimmy Stewart and Frank Capra knew that It's a Wonderful Life would make such an impact on the world? Do you think they knew the movie would last from generation to generation We still talk about the movie today. It is still played all day on Christmas on NBC. It takes us back to the days when the world was somewhat more simple. It warms our hearts to see that struggles happen even in the movies. We meet George as a young boy who doesn't realize the impact he is making on the world. The only thing he is concerned with is leaving and becoming a traveler and making an impact on the world. Seeing places, meeting many faces. Not realizing that everything he is going through is impacting his own home which therefore is effecting the world. George meets an angel name Clarence, and tell Clarence he wishes he was never born. Clarence says to George, "Be careful what you wish for George." See George never understood the life impact he made in Bed...