Kaitlin Roig the Hero from Sandy Hook

Kaitlin Roig pictured On December 13, 2012 one of the scariest moments of any parent and even American citizen lives occurred. The unthinkable happened A young man intruded into Sandy Hook Elementary school armed and dangerous. This site is not taking a position on gun control, but we are confronting the issue. Kaitlin Roig a first grade teacher at the elementary school in Newton, Connecticut Pushed fear behind her in the sake of her students. Adam Lanza arrived to the school at 9:30 a.m. Adam killed his mother at the families home before going to the school. Kaitlin the 29 year old teacher, at the time was teaching her first graders. Hearing a gun shot, she rushed her students to a near bathroom. Telling ABC News: “I put one of my students on top of the toilet. I was telling them, it’s going to be OK, you’re going to be all right. I told them to be absolutely quiet because I was just so afraid if he did c...