We can lose our way....

Today I found out that there was a casting for a music video in Nashville. At first I was excited, but then I quickly put doubt into my mind. I started telling myself that I was to busy to go, and that I wouldn't get cast anyways. So I pretty much convinced myself that I was going to give up before even arriving to the audition. Several excuses presented themselves: It was raining, I got out of work late, it's to cold, traffic is to bad. So many obstacles that the enemy placed infront of me so that I would not go. I was on my way home and I thought to myself are you really going to back down that fast without evening fighting for it.....didn't you move to Nashville so you could have opportunities like this. I mean come on, you could be in St. Louis still wishing and dreaming of even having the opportunity of doing something even close to this. So then I forced myself to go. I didn't even listen to the voice in my head saying no don't, don't go. ...