Inside the Actors Struggle- The Contest

A few week back, I entered an online contest for ABC. It was such a funny thing on how I got the information. My friend facebooked me and said she thought I should enter and gave me the link. I thought, huh why not. So I read over the contest rules and prizes. ABC was giving away a 6 month contract for $10,000 or a year contract with 25,000. I don't know if your an actor, but the possibilities that this opportunity would have were incredible. Just think, a contract with ABC studios. I mean becoming a success isn't a guarantee, but I am certain many doors would open just from signing their contract. The contest was not publicized and it was very low key so the odds of winning were ever in your favor(writing this I intentionally used the Hunger Games made me laugh.) I just truly wanted to win this because it would give me an escape of my current situation.

I work at Logan's Roadhouse full time, and let me tell you it is not a very glamorous job. I know many actors can relate, Talk about the struggle. Right! I work really hard and am at the mercy of my guests. I love people so it's not always as bad as it may seem. But I know that you can feel my pain. Working with everything I have and pouring every ounce of energy just so I can make my bills. As well as maybe have some play more so that I can do something fun.

However; I just felt that this could move me closer into where my gifts are. I thought maybe God had planned this for me. Getting so far ahead of myself I know, but let me dream here okay.

I know getting anywhere in life requires work, but it would have been amazing to have won this contest. On Friday I found out that I did not win, and let me tell you it stung. The door closed in my face with no constructive criticism and no real direction of where to go.

Reality can hit you hard. It can make you feel in a sense unappreciative for the road that got you here, and resentful for the current circumstances that you are in.

As I write this I am in a better place than I was, but it's still a bummer. I know the road I am going will lead me to a place that is beyond anything I can dreams or comprehend.

I often think of Jonah and how many times he ran from the calling of God, but no matter when he came back it was still where he had left God. Gods plan for Jonah was good. He had BIG plans for him. Our calling never changes often we are the thing that needs to change.

Today if I can encourage you anything from this story never let the flashing opportunity before you, rob you of the promise that will come ahead of you. (Jeremiah 29:11)

Many of us settle with less than Gods best because we think we have reached our full potential. Let me tell you that your road will lead you further than you would ever be able to give yourself credit for. God will lead you to where he has called you and all you have to do, is trust him.

I am sure you are reading this and thinking, WOW he is silly for building his hopes up into this competition. To behonest, that's fine. I just know that God has so much more planned for me than where I am now, and I am reaching for more.

Believe that great things are ahead of you!



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