Pioneering the Unknown

When I think of what I am trying to do with( CBEX ) the thought of Christopher Columbus comes to mind. "In 1492, Christopher Columbus sailed the ocean blue." Think of the faith that took, people most certainly said that he was crazy to go and explore this unknown land. Not even knowing if he would get there or what it might take on the journey to the new land. He pioneered a journey to a place that had only been heard of before, but going to this new land taking only past experiences, and not having any knowledge of the new. Pushing past the negative opinions of others and having full confidence in who he reported to. Leading a team who trusted in Columbus because they had confidence in his leadership and who he reported to. I apply a lot of this logic on my current endeavors into pioneering the unknown. Webshows are a thing of the future, and CBEX is about all of that. We are walking into the unknown, and applying new strategies. Some think we are crazy, and many...