Rise to the Challenge

Often, I look at my circumstances and feel that all odds are against me. Thinking I am not equipped enough, I am not prepared, or even I am not the right person for the job. I remember I was home in St. Louis for Christmas vacation with my family, retreating to be reloaded. When I thought back on 2012, I remembered the struggles and how difficult the year had been. Wondering, "Why God would let me go through these things?" Even in the blessings I remembered thinking to myself, I am not ready. Most of the time I tend to sell myself short. Trying to get by with the bare minimum in order to sustain where I am. I am not the biggest fan of change. Currently I am reading Forgotten God by Francis Chan, and in the book he says that we begin to ask God to repeat what he has done in the past, whether it be in worship or in a season in our lives. Francis says, that we shouldn't ask God to repeat old thing, but to experience something new from him. That blew my mind! I never thoug...