What am I willing to fight for?

God has been pressing on me lately, "What am I willing to fight for." What means more to me than anything. What am I passionate about, and how much does it mean to me. That may seem like a simple question or for some that may be a very thoughtless question, but for me there is importance. There is value there because if it means something to God then it means something to me. I know first and formost I would fight for my Faith, I would fight for Christ because I believe so strongly that he has saved me from myself and that is something that I am forever grateful for. He transformed my life from nothing to something. His Love is forever and there is so much value in that for all of us. We need not search anymore because he is all that we need in life. His relationship shall sustain anything we ever thought the world could give us. Have you ever thought where you might be if not for the Man who saved us. He was brought into this world to give us life and life mo...