Change is Required

In a world where we don't like change. A society who cringes over the word "Change." Majority of Americans prefer things to stay the way things are. I myself have the tendency to be against change. I am able to eat the same meal every night, and work at the same job for year all out of the mind of comfortability. Let us challenge and rethink this notion.

I need to embrace change more. I need to get so uncomfortable that I don't even know what the usual looks like. As you all have found out by many of my past posts I am a dream chaser. Nothing about chasing a dream is comfortable. We must overcome the fear in our journey. I take on comfortable because it is easy/safe. Nothing about life is suppose to easy. When we get uncomfortable allows God's glory to get us through.

Stepping forward in this new season where I am striving to get uncomfortable it can be as easy a my new haircut enough change to mix it up. If I keep going this will become easier and easier. Walking in faith requires room for the unknown.

Being unpredicatable in your eating options, drinking options. These may seem like small steps, but they are the beginning of something bigger. They will require you to make life impacting decisions. We can't all make big moves to another state in our lives and to be honest it's not always required. If you have the desire then go forward as I am in my journey. We can get uncomfortable together.

I hope that together we can achieve amazing things. If you are ready to make a change with me and chase the dreams that God has placed inside your heart today is the day. The time is now! So here's what we can do whoever is reading this and wants to step out of your comfort zone shout me out. There are several ways to do this.

I am avaliable on twitter @chrisburkmenn
I am on facebook:

There are several ways to let me know you are stepping out with me on the journey. I am excited to hear from each and everyone of you! Here is my first step in this Uncomfortable journey of my. I got my haircut much shorter than it was prior. Thanks to my amazing friend Tonya Elizabeth. Much love to this amazing woman.

Chasing a dream is beautiful, daring, exciting, and uncomfortable.


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