Be the Change you Wish to See

Where ever you may be finding this letter, may it be five years after I wrote it. I pray that it makes as much an impact as it did on me when I first discovered it. I pray that any situation you are in may God do wonders in your life, for His glory. I pray blessings and favor over your life. Nothing has made the impact on my life as Christ did the day I committed my life fully to him. If you have not accepted Jesus in your heart as your Lord and Savior I pray that today be your day. In life, we have the choice whether it be to conform to the world or help change it. Nothing can be done in our own strength we must first realize this, and from there everything else is by faith. Have you ever asked yourself, "What kind of impact do I want to make on this world?" I know most of us have, most of us in vain. "How can I get people to know me" or "How can I live forever?" Well let me give your some relief to that question, and the honest answer is you can...