Something Majestic About the Ocean

Did you know that is ocean is blue because it’s the color that’s least absorbed by seawater. Most of the time the ocean appears to be blue because this is the color our eyes see. But the ocean can be many other colors depending upon particles in the water, the depth of the water, and the amount of skylight. As well as 71% of the Earth's surface is made up of water.

This past weekend I was fortunate enough to spend my vacation at the beach. It inspired me because of it's beauty. There something about the ocean that is majestic. I could stare at the ocean for hours and not grow tired of the sound or the crashing waves. It became hypnotic. My entire visit I kept thinking how amazing it was that the Lord created it. How in awe I was when I sat there and tried to comprehend it. I couldn't help but think of the song "How He Loves us." If Gods grace is an ocean were all sinking. If we truly think deeper into that statement it can be quite intense to think of the characteristics of an ocean.

It has been so long since I have last visited this heavenly place. Coming back made me realize how lucky I am to be so close to this amazing gift. It's incomprehensible to imagine how far the ocean stretches. It was a gift from the Lord for us to enjoy. He entrusted us to take care of it.

Last night I had the urge to spend the entire evening on the ocean just watching the waves and soaking up the blessing that was before me. I watch TV at home and I can read when I am back, but I wanted to be grateful for the gift and the time before me. I didn't have anywhere to be no agenda, just time for me to sit on the beach and reflect on the my life thus far. Goals of my future and just talking to the Lord with a glad heart.

My whole life I was ungrateful I was selfish(still can be but strive to put others first.) Before I finally gave up the chase and allowed God to transform my life. I just wanted to honor God with what he asked for, My Time. He wants to spend much needed time with me on the beach and what a treat, no better place to enjoy each others company.

What is mind boggling to me is that we have done more exploring on other planets than we have done in our very own ocean.

So much in life we take for granted. We often look to other places than where we currently are. Our my minds racing with life running quickly ahead of us. We race to try and catch up with it and sometimes we get ran over. If we do searching in our own self we will find so many more fascinating discoveries. Than concerning our efforts in to figuring other people out.

As I reflected on my trip, sometimes I think we can compare ourselves with an ocean. Unexplored in the pure awe and beauty that God had when He created us. If God had such a master plan with the ocean why would we think any differently of ourselves. Why if the master creator of the world made remarkable wonders would he have created us on accident? To me God has a plan and it is being accomplished everyday.

I hope that this insight inspires you. I wish I could have taken each of you with me to the amazing beaches and the ocean but I can't. I hope that you search your heart and your soul and allow yourselves not to be left unexplained as we tend to do with the ocean. We under appreciate it, and instead look on other planets for miraculous discoveries when there are many right here on our planet.

Today be encouraged that you are a gift to this world from God. He perfectly and wonderfully made you, and God doesn't make mistakes.



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