Driven on Purpose or Desire

Have you lived dreaming for something that you thought was meant to be. Lived your whole life wishing, hoping, believing and realized that it was empty. Realizing that everything you thought was going to bring happiness held no weight. Disappointed in the emptiness that you felt. Praying that God would reveal to you your purpose, and why you were sent to this world. What function you were meant to fulfill. Trusting and listening to what He says, so that everything would come together and make sense. Then you realize what you were born to do has nothing to do with the dreams you had in the past. To the world you may seem crazy because they can't explain why you would leave all that, to go where you feel better than you ever have before in your life. Words cannot explain the joy that you have while you are fulfilling that call. To be honest the world cannot explain what they don't understand, and they don't think like we think. To them what is based on purpose is somethi...