An open letter to my friends on the state of online content

Carly Pearce and Chris Burkmenn on the set (Feb 2015) Dear Friends, I am truly grateful to have each and everyone of you as a friend. I value our relationship and truly celebrate in the moments that we have had and the moments that are coming. I wanted to take this time and share with you what it is I am doing. What my passions are and what I feel my strengths are in my life. If you didn't know it, I am an entrepreneur that has worked very hard in developing projects in Nashville. Much for our entertainment, videos for you to watch( ), games for you to play (#WhereinNashvilleisChris, #25DaysofEllen.) It takes a lot of work an innovation for the team that is The CBEX. We work very hard and take countless of hours producing content for your enjoyment. It's truly a passion of mine to interview new and upcoming artists in the great city of Nashville. We empower them by providing an interview and performance. These are names and faces that you may or may ...