To Find Out we Must Step Out-Encouragment Wednesday- April 24

Welcome to another Encouragement Wednesday! God is so amazing, the way he tests our faith. They are often a setup to something great! God is testing our faith constantly. He wants to grow our faith so that we can endure long. Whatever attack comes against us from the enemy God wants us to lean on him and trust him. Not all the time can we accuse the enemy often God is wanting to use the struggle for his glory. Today I want to focus on Jesus sending his disciples out into the storm in Matthew 14. He sent them out knowing that there was a storm coming. Funny that God would send them out into a storm, it says in scripture that Jesus made them get in the boat. Today I want to focus on Peter's faith in that story. We often look at Peter with the attitude that he had no faith. We must think about this though, he had to have some kind of faith for him to have gotten out of the boat. He was the only disciple to step out of the boat. All the other disciples sat in the boat and watche...