Never allow the distractions to overshine the opportunity- Encouragement Wednesday- May 7th

Life can either be a grand adventure or nothing at all.-Helen Keller In life we make excuses, so many of them! I don't have enough time, I am running late, I will call them back, etc. We are thrown off if our day doesn't go our way. We are angered if our favorite place is out of our normal item. We get bitter if our friend cancels on us. What if we looked at all of this as a grand adventure. When the obstacle arises we move forward in the sense of nothing is going to get me down, and I am going to live like there is no tomorrow.T urning our can't into opportunities to do great things. Changing the set back to a set up. As we are being postured into the ability to live for the moment we are in. If we are running late then may we look at it with the possibility that you are being delayed from an accident. If you are behind and you are waiting in a line at McDonalds there may be someone you might need to bless for the day; maybe with your smile, your words, o...