Inside the Actors Struggle- A Work In Progress

As I live I learn that my life is a work in progress. There are times when I wish that I was further than I am, but that leaves room to grow. If I was where I wanted to be right now where would I go from there. How could God work in my life to show me his amazing grace and compassion to get me there.

As an actor you are constantly searching for that defining role. Something that will bring the dream to life. Most of us spend our whole life chasing it. We are all constantly on the journey to arriving who we are to be. We all have the opportunity in front of us. Each decision we make is shaping us into that person. Don't fear about making the right or the wrong decision because there is no rule book. There are guidelines and that is Bible. It's kind of like if you were a car, and you came with an instruction manual.  Giving you the understanding of how your car works, and what you need to do to take care of it. If you don't obey the rules you will still run, but you won't run to the full capacity your car was created for.

I learn so much on a daily basis. I am alway being taught, and it is such a great thing. I never want to stop learning. As an actor you have to do everything that you can to make things work. You have to be flexible as well as having the money to live on. I serve at Logan's so that I can do the things that I am passionate about. In my last post I wrote about humility and I talk more about my serving job that always keeps me humble. I learn so many life lessons from working in the serving industry.

All of these things are what is making my story worth telling, and if I can encourage you today, it's the same situation in your life. Whatever mountain that you are facing good things are coming. You just have to hold on. Hold on to hope. We crave hope, it's something that makes us keep going. So if you are an actor, singer, writer, leader, teacher, or anything else, know that great things are coming. Your goals in life will be achieved. God is faithful to his promise. I am living my dreams, and of course they may not be exactly how I had planned them. That is because it's not my story, I am just an instrument. This is Gods story and I am just living the purpose he intended for me. There is no pressure here to be something or even live up to something. God will move the mountains to get me where He has ultimately called me to. All I have to do is just be willing and keep walking. If I keep my focus on Him then all things will fall into place.

I hope that today you can take away from this, that you are a work in progress. You are a masterpiece being painted and perfected everyday. Your painter is the most successful one in the history of life, and that is Lord. Maker of the sunset, creator of the ocean. Put your trust in Him. He knows what He is doing!



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