Transportation to the Ultimate Destination

To get places you must have transportation in order to arrive at your destination. You can travel by car, train, plane, boat, bike, and etc... Some of the vehicles can get you where you are going a little faster, but they all have the ability to get you there. Transportation can occasionally allow you to get where you are going a little quicker than walking/running.

When most of us want to get somewhere we usually think of the fastest way possible. Whether it be taking a short cut driving, flying a plane, or even a helicopter. Why is that? It's because we want to arrive as fast as possible, and we usually are in a hurry. Rushing just as quick as we can. Resenting any obstacle in our path along the way. Throwing our hands up in the air when we are cut off driving on the road. Because it set us back from getting to where we are ultimately are trying to get. Those things often serve as a distraction. Taking our attention off of the destination and onto the tiny situation that is before us.

In my life I am learning that I have little to no patience in getting where "I" want to go. Wanting to take short cuts so that I can just finally arrive to where I want to be. I think we can all relate to this feeling.

My current season God is teaching me about transportation to my ultimate destination. When I think of the dreams that God placed inside of my heart, I think of instant/fast. I assume that because my dreams are God given that they are going to happen very fast. However; I am finding out that this is not the case. There is work to be done to get me there and I am ultimately responsible for the preparation of it. God will place situations and people in my path that will lead to opportunities. These opportunities will shape the path along the way. We must not resent the work that goes into our dreams. We must march full speed ahead and let nothing stop us from achieving these things. Every seasons reveals another piece of your dreams.

One of the stories that comes to my mind was the story of Abraham and Sarah. How God spoke to Abraham

Abram fell facedown, and God said to him, “As for me, this is my covenant with you: You will be the father of many nations.
-Genesis 17:3&4

Once Abram was ready to take the call that God has placed over his life he called him Abraham.

When God said to Abraham that he would be the father of many nations, he thought that it would be immediately. How many of us can agree that when God gives us a DREAM we think it will be immediately. Abraham became impatient and acted in the flesh and slept with another woman(Hagar) at the suggestion from Sarah.

Then unexpectedly after years and years. Sarah at the age of ninety became pregnant.

“No, but Sarah your wife shall bear you a son, and you shall call his name Isaac; and I will establish My covenant with him for an everlasting covenant for his descendants after him”
Genesis 17:19

Abraham and Sarah had waited such a long time and grew impatient on waiting for the Lord, and even acted in their own strength. They could not see, but God had a time that He desired for Sarah to become pregnant with Isaac.

I attribute Hagar to be the distraction of the story, she was taking their eyes off of the Transportation to the ultimate destination. Abraham and Sarah wanted to arrive as quickly as possible, but they ultimately just wanted to get there. Sarah's heart was for the love of Abraham and she wanted to give him the ability to be Leader of Nations in anyway that she had the power to.

As we learn time and time again, Gods ways are greater than ours. He is the ultimate transportation. With him we need no other way.

My point to this is that God has placed something inside of you. He is birthing something in you that will take time and may be longer than you or I would like. However; God has promised good things for your life and has made promises to you. He is faithful to his promises. Be patient for what is coming in your life.

Big things are in store for you, but you just have to wait until God is ready to bring them to pass.

No matter what way God is wanting you to arrive, He will get you there. He is a reliable source of transportation and will ensure that you arrive where and when you are suppose to. Never stop believing.


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