Something to Believe in-Parachute-Featured

So excited to bring you another of my favorites that inspires me every time I hear the song. Today's #MusicMonday is a bit of a throw back, not all the to 80s or anything. Today I chose to feature Parachute's Something to Believe in from 2011. This song has a great beat and an amazing chorus. The songs is about a girl that he is in love with and she is Something to Believe in. I do not know the artists faith, but truly that is no the point of my blog. It is to bring positive music that can help encourage those that are around us. My faith is everything that I am, but to reach the world we music find beauty in all things. I hope that you enjoy this track as much as I do. I hope that you find it worthy to be featured on this #MusicMonday. My favorite part of the song is the end when a big choir sings the chorus with the band. It is everything you would imagine it would be. The song gives amazing imagery as if you are in a barren desert with no water and having lost hop...