My Father says I am

It's amazing to think that the problems of the world effect us so much. We often cannot see anything past our current situation. It sometimes it can take over every good thing that we have. No matter what we have we focus more on what we lack.

Today I want to encourage you that God says you are capable and that he has placed you where you are. So when the enemy says to you about your weakness. God says that we are powerful truth in Ephesians 1 and so many other places in the Bible. Say to the enemy "my father thinks I am amazing, my father loves me."

The enemy may say:
Do you really think you're capable of fulfilling what God has call you to do?
"My Father says I am. I don't know how I'm going to do it but the power if the Resurrection is in me. I don't feel capable. But my Father says I am."
Do you really think you're going to make it through this trail?
"My Father says I am."

God has great plans for you, It is possible for God to have all the power and yet for His people to live in weakness. God has all the power, and Jesus said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me." Matthew 28:18. God's power within us is only potential until we convert it into strength by faith and action.

Know that God thinks you are amazing!! Today know that God shall see you through every situation!

Source Greater-Steven Furtick 2012 Multnomah Publishing.



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