Timing is Everything in Life

Falling back: Harold Lloyd in Safety Last  Photo: Rex

I often put pressure on myself to get somewhere, using my own strength to reach these places that "I need to get to." I put a lot of effort into working hard and pressing on. It sometimes becomes a bit much. You can burn out quickly if you are constantly working and rarely enjoying the meaningful parts of life.

I was having a conversation with a friend the other day. We were talking about how we work so hard and sometimes it feels as though you are running in circles trying to get somewhere. We were chatting about how when the most life defining moments happen, they are often accomplished with using no force. It's as though the opportunity had been waiting for us forever and we just needed to wait for that perfect timing.

I am learning in life that it's all about timing (and I know what you're thinking reading this yes you are exactly right it's all about timing.) Honestly, we often say it, but I don't know if we always believe it. I am a man of faith and I believe life is a daily walk of becoming the person you have been placed on this world to be, but timing doesn't always cross my mind.

Defining Time:
The system of those sequential relations that any event has to anyother, as past, present, or future; indefinite and continuous duration regarded as that in which events succeed one another.

I also refer to 

He said to them: “It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set by his own authority. 

-Acts 1:7

Lately I have become very impatient and I often put my worth in where I want to be. I am 28 years old and I am working desperately hard to pursue my dreams in becoming a TV Host. In doing so I still have to pay the bills, and it's not always ideal. Sometimes you have to get down and dirty in order to make ends meet in life. I work several jobs in order to pursue this dream. I work for an Audience Company, Logans Roadhouse, and I also work social media for a local company(www.relaxwraps.com.)

All while I am creating a webshow that gives me the platform to interview new and upcoming artists in Nashville on www.thecbex.com. It's hard because there is no clear path. No road that will lead me straight there. I often get lost because, I think, "I will never get there." I often tend to be an optimist. I push through many situations because I believe that my insanity will one day pay off. I believe in the greater good in what I am doing.

Insecurity can try and eat you alive, looking from validation. Yearning for people to validate you in life, that you are good looking, funny, talented, smart, etc. We crave for others to say what we believe ourself to be true, but need others to affirm us in this. It can become a form of focus in our lives that doesn't need to be. It's a waste of time because people are more focused on what they are doing in life than telling you how great you are. It's not that you are not great, it's that they aren't even thinking about you. You have a worth and that price was paid, John 3:16 and I believe that is truly all that matters.

In life I believe the tough times make way for the good times because only few have the ability to hold on for them. I often convince myself that if I am not doing what in my head what feels like the cool thing, then I am of no value. Probably because I see so many people that I look up to on Facebook having there "wonderful lives" and doing these "grand things." Those lives are not real, they are what people want to be seen doing. We don't always see the time that it took these people to get where they are, and if they didn't sow time into those luxurious endeavors then they probably won the lottery. 

I have come to the conclusion if I am not okay with myself where I am today, then I will never be okay no matter where I get in life. I need to accept where I am and believe in where I am going. Believe in your course and know that this is your story. Don't try to take someone else's.  Know that in time where you are is not where you will end up.

God is faithful to his promises, and I often forget that. I tend to think I am  the only one on this planet that is important, but that is far from the truth. I am not more or less important that anyone.

Today I encourage each of us to surrender our time constraints that we have put on our life. Know that what is meant to be will be. I encourage you to be good stewards of your time and learn in all seasons of your life. 

I hope you enjoyed your extra hour of sleep in daylight savings.


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