Do Not Be Afraid, God Cares For You

So often we go through life and have ourselves almost convinced that God has somehow forgotten about us. We confuse our finances with the notion that God is neglecting us. As if we had done something wrong to deserve a setback. I was at McDonalds this evening drinking a Diet Dr. Pepper and watching the people around me. I saw this woman sobbing and apologizing to her husband for how sorry she was. How she wished she could have changed their current situation. She had major dental work done today and was still in shock with the bill. She was standing at the Coke station and telling her husband that this was not what she had wanted, and that she would have rather gone on a trip. She seemed so convinced that this situation was bigger than God and that he had forgotten about her. That she was alone with no one looking out for her. I wanted to touch her hand and let her know that God had not forgotten about her. I overheard her apologizing to the cashier saying, "I am sorry I am so ugly, but today was an awful day." My heart was sad for her that her view of herself was that she was ugly.

I didn't get the opportunity to tell her how much God loves her and even though she felt alone, God will never leave her. So I don't want to miss the opportunity to tell you reading this, that He is with you. It's in His word.

The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”

-Deuteronomy 31:8

I fall victim to this as well, please don't think I am writing this free of the insecurity. It's a daily walk and I must remind myself daily.
I hope that this today encourages you to know that you are loved and cared for. God is never defined by our finances. He is not limited and nothing is bigger than him. So today whatever you are going through just know that He will see you through. Faith is something that takes work. It's a choice and you must chose Faith.

God is setting you up for something greater. His glory shall shine through every circumstance that you find yourself in today. This isn't the end, it's just the beginning. Today take the limits off God and find comfort in that He has done in your past and will continue to do in your future. Believe that greater things are before you than were in your past.

I hope this encourages you today, and I hope you share this encouragement with someone else. Someone who needs this and will be comforted.



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