Confessions of a Dream Chaser

Well it has been over a week since I last was able to gather my thoughts and put them together to produce something for you all to read. I needed sometime to just focus on the task at hand. #EncouragementWednesday is one of my favorite things to write for you all! It challenges me and makes me find encouragement for myself. It causes me to do some searching in who I am in order to give you the encouragement that you need.  So it can help you face your day.

I am writing to you as a testimony of God's faithfulness today. As some of you may remember in May of this year, I left my full time job in order to pursue some new ventures in my life. Taking a step like that didn't hit me until my last day on the job. I had the "This is real life" moment. Especially as I walked out of those doors. After leaving, I began serving full time at Logan's Roadhouse in Cool Springs. It challenges me so much that you probably wouldn't believe it unless you came and worked with me. The general public can be hard to take at times, especially when dealing with food, money, or tickets. In my life usually all of my jobs involve those three things. It's challenging because I rely on them to tip me, but I have to remember that they are not my provider and that only God is my source. I am a living witness to the people I serve because I must have a good attitude even when I do not want to have one. Even when I walk in the door dreading speaking to anyone. As soon as my guest is seated at the table I have to be on. On in the sense of no matter what I am feeling or what my mind says, I am to serve these people as though I am serving Jesus. Trust me there are challenging times, times that I just want to slug them because they can treat me as though I am garbage. But for the most part the world of the generous is getting larger and larger day by day.

The true story of God's faithfulness is how when I left my job so many amazing doors opened, and doors that I never could have opened. I was contacted to work with an audience company, and I was also blessed with the opportunity to work for CMA Fan Fair. Both things I never would have been able to commit to if I had stayed at my full time job.

Now please do not get me wrong I do not resent or oppose having a full time job at all. I think they are very safe and they provide a steady source of income. However, for the life I want to live I want to take the risk of faith and chase that dream that I have been believing in for so long. The road will not be easy, but I know that if I continue to chase the Lord he shall provided because he is faithful.

My story is still being written and I know there are so many other amazing blessings I have received for instance, this amazing day. I have the ability to make it anyway I want, the power to make it good, but I also have the power to make it unbearable. I choose to make it good no matter the given circumstances.

Today I write to you wanting you to know that whatever is in your heart that you think you will fail or that you are concerned that God may not provide. I say to you take the chance, run for your dreams. Run with your whole heart, because God wants you to rely on him. He will reward you for stepping out.

God is faithful, who has called you into fellowship with his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.
-I Corinthians 1:9


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