Home is Where the Heart is

Since I was a young kid I use to hear "Home is where the Heart is." I remember at the time not knowing what that meant, and struggling with the concept. My whole life I have dreamed of making something of myself. As a child I wanted to be on Kenan and Kel, and that was all I use to talk about. My Grandma Carol would ask me what I wanted to be when I grew up and all I would say is that I want to be an actor. I want to move to L.A. and be on a show like Kenan and Kel! I dreamed with my whole heart and thought someday I would go and do what they were doing. I wanted to make people laugh because I enjoy laughing so much.
As I grew older I became to see the dream as almost unreachable. I thought that those dreams were only given to the few who were lucky. Growing up in a normal family, those things just did not happen to normal families. Time went on and I still was not able to shake what I felt I was called to do, I started longing to move to L.A. I remember making plans with my best friend to move to L.A. Thinking that someday, I would breakaway and establish the dream I had always believed for.

In 2009 I decided to make the move to Nashville. Stepping out in faith and with so many questions because Nashville was not L.A. It did not have the things I thought I would be going towards. However; I stepped out in obedience because I trust the Lord. I want the faith that so many greats in the Bible had: Abraham, Jacob, Joseph, Moses. I want that kind of faith.

As I have been walking with the Lord in Nashville, I began to discover dreams are not reachable without hard work and many sacrifices. I have made quite a few and know that I will need to many more.

However; my road has brought me to this very day, and I just returned home from St. Louis. I spent Easter with my family which I was so blessed to have been able to do. While I was there I realized how much of my heart is in St. Louis. How much I truly miss my family and loved ones. I cherish their love, and know that they believe in me fully. They seem to believe in me more than I believe in myself most of the time. As I drove away last night my heart hurt from leaving the ones who believe in me so much.

I then realized all those times in my life having heard, "Home is where the heart is." 

Coming back I enter a new journey charging full force at my goal and knowing they have my back no matter how far away they may be. I know that God will bring forth so many new opportunities. I am changing jobs and have full faith that God will lead me wherever he wants to take me. This will not be done on my own strength, but I know that I owe it to Him, and to lean on what he has placed in my heart. Today I ask for your prayers and any words of Encouragement you may have. 

The word tells me:

Trust in the Lord with all your heart
    and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways submit to him,
    and he will make your paths straight.

Proverbs 3:5-6

I pray that today you live the dream that you have always believed. I know that it is possible and I am believing with all I am with you!



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