Be Affirmed- Encouragement Wednesday 6.0

Have you ever heard of the word affirmation?

1. State as a fact; assert strongly and publicly.2. Declare one's support for; uphold or defend. 

Some of you may have never known the word or seen the word applied. 

Affirmation we often seek from man, needing to be valiadated. Getting out worth from the world. It can be very gratifying to the world and it's ways. 

Men and women receive affirmation differently. I am sure through reading this you already have several ways that we differ in this area. As a man we usaually like to affirm descretely as a "Good game," "Nice work." Women can tend to be a little bit more gushy. Which is not a bad thing because we go to each for different things. Men and women balance it out we receieve it from both, but at different times.

When we hurt ourselves as a child we usually go to our mother because they understand and they will let us be 
as hurt as we want to be.

When we just shot a bullseye or scored the winning goal we are usually seek the affirmation from our father.

The amazing thing we read in the bible is God is constantly affirming us, he is confirming things that the world could never give us. It is crazy to imagine how much God has for us. How much his love is unconditional. How many things we are searching for in the world that can never be given to us.

God says in his word:

"I can NEVER be separated from the LOVE of GOD." Romans 8:38

"As I draw near to God, he draws near to me" James 4:8

I keep God's words in my heart. They are health to my whole body." Provers 4:20-22

"Because I have been born again, I will see the Kingdom of God." John 3:3

I do not fear because God strengthens me." Isaiah 41:10

"God strengthens me because my heart is fully committed to him." 2 Chronicles 16:9

Crazy to think that these are only a few of the many many verses that affirm our identity. These things can never and will never be affirmed by man.

God says that we are worthy, not by anything we have done, but by the love of the Lord.

So anytime the enemy/satan tells you that you are no good, or God will never love you just remember that God does and you are worth more to Him than you could ever imagine.



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