Rise to the Challenge

Often, I look at my circumstances and feel that all odds are against me. Thinking I am not equipped enough, I am not prepared, or even I am not the right person for the job. I remember I was home in St. Louis for Christmas vacation with my family, retreating to be reloaded. When I thought back on 2012, I remembered the struggles and how difficult the year had been. Wondering, "Why God would let me go through these things?" Even in the blessings I remembered thinking to myself, I am not ready. 

Most of the time I tend to sell myself short. Trying to get by with the bare minimum in order to sustain where I am. I am not the biggest fan of change. Currently I am reading Forgotten God by Francis Chan, and in the book he says that we begin to ask God to repeat what he has done in the past, whether it be in worship or in a season in our lives. Francis says, that we shouldn't ask God to repeat old thing, but to experience something new from him. That blew my mind! I never thought to ask God for something NEW, because the experiences I have already had with him are beyond anything I had ever believed. Then I imagine, since those moments were so incredible, then I know God has even better.

Stories that have given me hope and confidence that I think back are:

Moses was called even having a speach inpediment. Aaron was to assist him, Moses didn't think he could have been called with the worldly setbacks he was challenged with. God knew differently, he called Moses to lead the Israelites out of Egypt. It took several times to get the king to finally listen to God, and let His people go. In the end God won as always, and I believe Moses knew after that God can do anything. God doesn't call the qualified, He qualifies the called. (Exodus)

David killed Goliath with just a sling and a stone, can you believe that. Knowing myself, one it would be hard because I don't know how I would ever going to kill a giant, and two how am I gonna kill the Giant with a sling and a stone. God knew differently, he wanted victory for David so that people would see, when God has a plan it doesn't matter what stands in the way. The only thing that matter is that God always wins, good wins and all things from God are good. (I Samuel 17)

Abraham didn't think at his age he would have a son. He felt he was to old. God knew differently, no matter what age Abraham was, God would fulfill a promise he made Making Abraham father to the Nations. He doubted the Lord, and impregnated Hagar with a son. In the end God looked down with love on Abraham, and Sarah became pregnant with a son. Which proves that no matter what God wants to bring to birth, he will do it in his time. Abraham also was asked to sacrifice his son Isaac, imagine believing for something so much and getting it and then begin asked to let it go. How hard would that be? Abraham was selfless and was willing to sacrifice Isaac, but God did not make him go through with it.(Genesis 15-21)

Jesus, God gave his one and only son, and expected nothing in return. Called to birth by a virgin named Mary. Against all worldly odds Jesus became God in the flesh. He fulfilled scripture and was crucified for our sins. 

So when I look at my life and thing there is no way, I then remember that with God all things are possible to those who believe.

When you are faced with a giant and all you have is a sling and stone, remember that God shall see you through.

But Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”
-Matthew 19:26



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