Boldness and Obedience

She said to herself, "If I only touch his cloak, I will be healed.”
Matthew 9:21

I love this verse, I love that the woman's faith led her to be obedient and touch Jesus' clothing. To the world around her it was a crazy thought. Why would you want to touch Jesus' clothing?  If we read the whole story we see that she had been bleeding for 12 years. Now that is a lot of pain, 12 years of bleeding. I know that in my own life 1 day of feeling under the weather is enough for me, but to even imagine being sick for 12 years is beyond anything I can comprehend. 

The woman was desperate, she was seeking the only thing that could make her better and that was Jesus.

In our lives for things to get better it often takes Boldness, and Obedience in our faith. Think of how much guts it took for that woman to have touched this Man.  Jesus, who she had heard so much about and all of these miracles being performed. At the sight every knee shall bow and here this woman wants to go and touch his clothing. 

What I love about it is this was nothing to Jesus, but it was everything to the woman. This was her life at stake and nothing else was going to heal her, but Jesus. (When I say nothing I mean he had so much power that it was a very simple task to heal her.) He turned to the woman and said "Your faith has healed you." Wow! That's all, she had been living with that for 12 years, and after one touch she was healed.

Boldness and Obedience:

We cannot remain complacent. We cannot sit back and let life just happen.  We must be bold in our faith and take hold of the authority that we have been given by Jesus. I know that he is still saying today "Your faith has healed you." All we have to do is speak it touch that promise. Now I know that so many people have so many different things going on in their lives, and some I may never be able to understand. All I can say is what do you have left to lose? When everything is against why not try one more thing and surrender it to Jesus.

Obedience, How many of you have been told to do something and you didn't listen. I know that I am guilty of this. But I truly believe that our obedience shall heal us and so many others around us.

“I find the doing of the will of God leaves me no time for disputing about His plans.” ~ George Macdonald

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.
~Proverbs 3:5-6

As we read in the quote and the verse above, God knows best and if we trust in him and not lean on our own understanding he shall work everything out for our good.

Today I challenge you to live in Boldness and Obedience. If anything you will truly experience so much more. You shall be healed like the woman who reached out and touched him.

I leave you with this:

Jesus has the same power today that he had more than 2000 years ago and all we have to do is seek his truth and his promises.



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