We can lose our way....

Today I found out that there was a casting for a music video in Nashville. At first I was excited, but then I quickly put doubt into my mind. I started telling myself that I was to busy to go, and that I wouldn't get cast anyways. So I pretty much convinced myself that I was going to give up before even arriving to the audition. Several excuses presented themselves: It was raining, I got out of work late, it's to cold, traffic is to bad. So many obstacles that the enemy placed infront of me so that I would not go.

I was on my way home and I thought to myself are you really going to back down that fast without evening fighting for it.....didn't you move to Nashville so you could have opportunities like this. I mean come on, you could be in St. Louis still wishing and dreaming of even having the opportunity of doing something even close to this. So then I forced myself to go. I didn't even listen to the voice in my head saying no don't, don't go.

God really spoke to me and I realized how quickly we can back down from our calling. It is so simple to just walk away and almost not even acknowledge that God placed that desire inside of our hearts. If the enemy just puts a few things in our way, we will back down and not even consider it. Why? I mean that should make us want to work even harder for our Purpose......

I realized in my own self today that I have to pray daily for God to turn that desire. I must motivate myself and really just listen to God's voice. We can often tune him out, and what kind of relationship would we have with him then?

Now I may not get cast in this music video, but God made me realize not to back down so easily from something I feel called to do. Whatever your calling may be in life, don't back down. Fight for it. Don't let anyone or anything tell you that your no good. Because God Loves you, and that Love is unconditional. We have to put on that Robe in order to serve our Father in Heaven.

What obstacles are facing you? Something that you have decided to quit before even getting started? God doesn't want us to get comfortable and he is not going to stop us when we decide to quit, he shall never leave us but it is not his job to hold our hand in life. That is where our free will comes into play.

So if I could tell you anything from this growing experience that God showed me tonight; Fight the good fight!!!


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