Moving Ahead

Today was a rough day, I left my first apartment. I know your probably thinking that would be easy leaving a building no big deal.....But it was my first place on my own. I just kept thinking how grateful I was to be able to have a place of my own for that season! I learned many things in that apartment. Had fun times with friends, prayed for friends, cried with friends, laughed with friends, and even had my first Christmas in that apartment. I grew closer to the Lord in that apartment and I am so grateful for that! Things I once thought were not possible became possible.

Walking forward and not looking back, knowing and trusting that I am where I am suppose to be. I love the scripture Psalm 23:4 Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil. I know we often walk in uncertainty, but knowing and trusting in Him shall get us so much farther than believing we are never going to get anywhere lies of the enemy. I don't know what season your in or what season you just got out of, but I guess take comfort in knowing that with God all things are possible.

So even though I loved living in that apartment I must go where the Lord is calling me. Although it is not forever it's only temporary and I believe that we have to start looking at more things in that way. Everything is just temporary so don't get caught up in the past or even the future. We have to live everyday with a purpose, because we have a purpose. Our purposes are so much bigger than ourselves. Your calling is not just about you.......which may be hard for some of us that live in a world that we think revolves around us(and yes I have been one of those people.)

So my challenge to you is to Live it and not Give it away.

Psalm 118:24 This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad.


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