The Toxicity of Social Media

In a time where social media is at the tip of our fingers. A culture that has been groomed to broadcast their successes, dreams, and experiences; we are given a glimpse into the lives of our peers.  So easily scrolling through someone meeting their favorite celebrity, reaching the finish line(race, cancer, graduation,) achieving a dream(music, acting, modeling.)

As friends we share in each others achievements and grieve in their setbacks. We are the first to wish a congratulations, liking a photo, sharing a post. We respond, "That is incredible." Supporting them as a good friend should. 

What we don't realize is that while we are seeing our friends broadcast their lives, we don't know the full story. We don't understand what went into those achievements, and sometimes we gain resentment for them.

We don't know what people go through in their walk of life. We can't take everything posted on Facebook as their complete success. Perception is everything and we all are showing ourselves in a light we would like to be represented. 

Guilty of comparing myself to others. It quickly becomes a contest of who has friends, followers, likes. It can eat you up inside, becoming a competition and let me tell you what the prize is, NOTHING! We gain nothing in this life by comparing.

In fact; One of the most deadly things you can do, is to compare yourself with others.

It will create a void that can never be filled.

Does Facebook lead to depression?

Margaret Duffy, a professor at the University of Missouri School of Journalism says:

"If Facebook is used to see how well an acquaintance is doing financially or how happy an old friend is in his relationship -- things that cause envy among users -- use of the site can lead to feelings of depression,"

According to Time MagazineScientists studied 600 people who logged time on the social network and discovered that one in three felt worse after visiting the site.

How do we break this? We start realizing that in ourselves we are uniquely and wonderfully made, and that we do not have to compete with anyone. 

I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.
-Psalm 139:14

We must focus on our own race and stop looking at others that seem to be farther. If we focus on our own course and keep in mind, 

"I just want what I am suppose to have, when I am suppose to have it."
-Suzzane Skinner

We will be left with a confidence that is unshakable. An inner awareness that all things work together for our good.

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.
-Romans 8:28

Focusing on social media, is toxic and produces no good fruit in life. Today I want you to know that you can do anything, and you must believe you can. Those moments that make your life, should be your moments and you shouldn't need to share them with anyone else. You don't need validation from people to tell you that you are wonderful, because truth is you were wonderful before they even realized it.

Summarizing all of this:
I am not saying that you need to leave social media or delete all of your photos from Facebook. What I am saying is, remove all of the pressure and expectations you have on yourself. God gave you this day and tomorrow is not guaranteed. Are you going to focused on living for others or consumed in living for Him.

+Chris Burkmenn 


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