Dear 26, Love 27

I often think if I could go back, what would I tell myself. How would I best equip myself with the knowledge and wisdom to gain in my past years.

I wanted to write a letter to myself a year ago giving the best advice I could give my 26 year old self.

Dear 26,

This year will begin for you as a journey through a time that you will never forget. You will achieve things that you had only dreamed of in the past. It will take require a lot of courage from you, and it will not be comfortable. You will need to push past the adversity. Dreams are a funny thing and can be scary, but what in life isn't scary. After this year you will learn that nothing in life is guaranteed, and everything is worked for. Your year will begin with some incredible experiences, starting with an fantastic trip with some of your best friends to Florida. Spending the weekend in Destin just hanging with people that are there for one reason and one reason only, and that is to "Be Still." Learning about the love of God how His love and grace is raging and wild just like the ocean.

You will then return home and experience the amazing opportunity of working for CMT that will lead you to your next big project. In September you will begin will in your purpose in creating a webshow based on the incredible talent in the city of Nashville. You will receive the honor of hosting it. I know that you have always dreamed of hosting a network show, but this will be way more incredible of an experience.

The CMT show that you had called home for the past 6 months will eventually run it's course in December. You will enter into 2014 a little afraid and timid. I know what you are thinking, how will my income be adequate since I will be leaving the countdown show. The Lord will provide to you in ways that you will never think possible. More amazing connections will be made, and I know you are excited because you thrive in relationships.

February will be your hardest month, it will feel as though it has the ability to break you, but you will come out stronger. You will also have the great opportunity for a FREE flight into St. Augustine to visit your Grandparents for a week. It will be a great week of relaxation and catching up with them.

In the midsts of your struggles, beauty will come and God will show you his favor in areas that you never had thought possible.

March as the prior month, will be a bit tough, but the storm is almost over and all will be well again soon.

April will arrive with a new sense of direction and a charge that you can do anything. The webshow will pick up steam as you meet people that will walk along side of you and will help you to take the vision even further.

The year will be filled with divine connections that will guide you into the future, and they will introduce you to even greater possibilities.

My point of writing this letter to you is so you know that no matter how hard you think this year may be for you, it's worth every moment. It's worth every tear, and every sleepless night. It will mold you even more into that man that God has called you to be. God will smile down on you in all situations.

Now more then ever, you will know that good people still exist in this world. As you will be surrounded by so many good and loving people.

Keep your head up!

Your future 27 year old self.



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