Finding the Hero in Me- Hebrews 11:1

These next couple days are the last days of my current season. I will be entering a new season. Something that could go two ways, one could be an amazing success and the other could be the opposite. My faith tells me that my God will not leave whichever of the two it may be. 

On friday, I leave my full-time position for a road with no limits and no structure. Chasing my dreams full force walking on the promises of the Lord, and no leaning on my own strength but His. I read a quote a few days ago, "I never regretted the things I did, but always the things I didn't do." That's the kind of life that I want, living the fullness in all that I should be striving for. I moved to Nashville on a promise from God not with specific instructions, but the command "Come" from the Lord. Similar to what Jesus said to Peter in Matthew 14:29. I feel sometimes I should have more answers, but then it wouldn't really allow God to be God.

I want the kind of faith that is talked about in Hebrews 11, I want what the Biblical greats had, and to get it they were tested and stretched. Not knowing the end results and some never lived to see it fulfilled. If we are all striving to be greater than what we are; then we will be walking through things that prune off the things that need to be removed.

Reading this you could find yourself questioning is this guy crazy, is he looney or coo coo. I fully understand the assumptions that you have made and I have not been tested. HA!

I want to chase my passions and live like today is all that I have. Not knowing whether I will ever make it, but knowing that if God is on my side then all things will fall into place. We should be walking in the favor of the Lord, and I want it surround me like a shield. 

Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.
-Hebrews 11:1

The word says this and I am calling it out! I am asking the Lord to bring it forward. I walk not knowing where I am going, but believing that the things that He has placed inside of me will glorify Him.

It is my hope that wherever you are and whatever you may be going through that this inspires you, that it encourages you to step out and chase your calling with your whole heart. Never let anyone or anything stop you because if you are walking on purpose then you are walking with good company.

Be blessed!



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