Dead Come to Life- Jonathan Thulin Music Monday-UPDATED 6/11/13

Welcome to another #MusicMonday for April 1, 2013. I hope that you all had fantastic Easter with you and your family. The artist I am featuring this week is Jonathan Thulin and his song Dead Come to Life. Jonathan a native to Sweden is making waves in the Christian genre and has the potential to break into mainstream as well. It is an honor to know Jonathan and call him friend. I am happy to be featuring on the site for this very special #MusicMonday. 

Here is my interview with Jonathan:

Where do you get your influences musically especially for the concept of Dead Come to Life?
Wow hard question! Music has always been a part of my emotion, it has somehow always connected me to how im feeling and has almost been an easier outlet than talking. I listen to many different kinds of music, from Brooke fraser to Linkin Park to Katy Perry. So all of these impressions kind of blend together and create the sound I have. I like to draw inspiration from many different places. When me and Charmaine wrote Dead Come to Life, it was a very quick process! Like 30 minutes haha...Both me and Charmaine love the epic, orchestral pop feel so that worked out very nicely!
How does your Faith effect your music?
Well my faith effects my life, so it will always effect my music! I think the term "Christian Artist" has become a very specific genre actually, so I usually say Im an artist who is christian. I sing and write about my life and how I feel including my faith but not discluding all the other struggles in my life. People who are Christian struggle too, I want people to find that relation there.
Have you ever been asked to compromise your values in order to become a hit, and how did you respond?
We have to make a choice every day whether or not to make good or bad decisions. The same goes for music! I try to think about whether or not what I write is going to have a negative or a positive effect on someone. Granted, we are all different and someone somewhere could get offended about the happiest song on earth but I try to write for majority. People (especially in the industry) always want you to put on their specific way of thinking but the key is to maintain your key beliefs and compromise in a healthy way.
As an artist when will you feel like you have finally made it. What is your ultimate goal in your artistry?
I already have made it! People are listening and getting something out of it. A label mate of mine was recently told by an exec that "This year is gonna be your year" and his response was "Every year is my year"! I really took that to me. If i cant find success in what I am doing now I will never find success later. If my music reaches a bigger platform, I will not protest and I will thank God but I have to be careful to never let that be my motivation.
What is next for you? What is coming down the pike? (Tour, New Music, Music video, etc) Anything you can hint or tell the readers?
A LOT! Me and Charmaine are touring sweden from March 23 to April 5 as well as this summer. And we are all over the US in April and May. There will always be music videos coming haha but the most recent one is "Dead Come to Life" and I'm very excited to see the response. We have worked very hard on it. I am working on new music. Just did a track with Manwell from Group 1 Crew which I am excited about and am also teaming up to do some other awesome collaborations on this next album 
Knowing you personally How has this past year been for you since you are entering into a new season in your artistry?
its been amazing! I am very thankful that things are going well!! Truly I am excited to see what happens next with my solo stuff and with my other band Press Play. I am very excited about 2013 and the next few years to come!

Dead Come to Life
Jonathan Thulin
1. I am the living dead, you are the opposite
We're like fire and ice only one can survive
My will's departed

Pre Chorus: Light is in your eyes reaching to mine
I am

Chorus: A valley of bones covered in stone
Nothing more than human
Into the unknown body and soul
You're calling me cause only with you the
Dead come to life, dead come to life
Only with you the dead come to life,
Dead come to life

2: I am a foreigner, caught in the crossfire
I am paralyzed by the battle cries can you
Hear it.

Pre Chorus:


Bridge: We are the dry and thirsty sand
Upon this dry and thirsty land
But you speak life into the flesh
Breathing air into the dead.

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!
II Conrinthans 5:17
Check out the Dead Come to Life music video added as of 6/11/2013

Praying for a long career for this amazing artist! So much more to come from him! Stay tuned!




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