Young Tony Buuck Saves Sister-Heroic Thursday

Young Tony Buuck from from Fort Wayne, Indiana, saves his sister when falling into an icy pond. The young boy raced in the pond to save his 8 year old sister. Now a local hero is getting attention that he doesn't necessarily want. 
"…I think a lot of people wouldn't have done it. I don't want to have all the glory and stuff," Tony said.
The 12 year was playing basketball in the driveway, when his sister Sammy fell into the pond in their backyard on Saturday.
Hearing his little sisters scream, he ran to her rescue. The ice was so thin that it cause young Tony to fall into the pond as well. 
"I began by taking my arms and sort of just putting it under her shoulders. I realized that wasn't going to work so I grabbed her coat hood," Tony said.
Their father Dale came to save them, but the ice again gave in causing him to fall in as well. The Dad was able to break some of the ice and bring Tony to safety while he tightly help on to young Sammy.
"The more I pulled him up he still had her by the coat, and he never let go of her in the cold water. [Tony] treaded water that whole time, with one hand and never let go of her," Dale said with tears in his eyes.
Young Sammy was not breathing when pulled out of the water, and with wasting no time at all Tony called 911. 

"My sister is Samantha and she was standing on the ice…and she fell in," Tony told the 911 dispatcher.
Tony then received instructions from the dispatcher, he the shouted to his father, who stayed by Sammy and performed CPR.
"Her face is almost completely purple," Tony told the dispatcher. "I tried to keep her head above water but I'm not strong enough."
Emergency workers reached the Bucck's home where all three were treated and released from the hospital.
"I really thought I wasn't going to survive," Sammy said after the harrowing incident.
"He says he's not a hero, but he sure is my hero and his sister's hero," Dale said about his young boy.
Thank you Tony for being so brave and helping your sister through this dangerous situation, today I honor young Tony as a Hero.
To watch the story on Tony visit:


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