All Things New- New Man- Featured Music Monday

Music Monday back! This week we are bringing you a great new song, from an amazing new band. 

This week we are featuring All Things New "New Man." The song was released on Itunes February 8, 2013. The song reached it to number one on Air1's Mixology live. Quite a big feat for the brand new band and the new song. New Man, about the beauty of being wiped clean of our past and having a fresh start with Christ. The song is an amazing first single for the bands debut album. Providing a great song providing encouragement to those who may have struggles with accepting the grace given to us when we accept Christ into our heart. I am so honored to feature this band. By far my favorite song at the moment and truly excited for the bands new material that will be coming out. No word on the release date of the bands full length album, but I will be eagerly waiting.

Thank you All Things New for providing the world with the song that will lead so many new people to to Christ.

New Man
All Things New
I can remember when he left
It's still pounding in my chest
The pain I felt when he said goodbye
All the nights I tried to call
Cause I needed a father's love
To cheer me on, to lift me up, to be my guide

I try to find my worth
In things that didn't work
My confidence was broken
I was hopeless

But God, You have made me new
You've restored my heart and
Turned these ashes into life
Oh God, You have pulled me through
And everything I was is gone
And washed away for good
I'm a new man in You

I'm trying to walk as a new man
I want You to show me who I am
In You when I forget that I'm Yours
Now I find my worth and it's set in stone
And it's done for good

Cause God, You have made me new
You've restored my heart and
Turned these ashes into life
Oh God, You have pulled me through
And everything I was is gone
And washed away for good
I'm a new man in You

Oh God, You have made me new
You've restored my heart and
Turned these ashes into life
Oh God, You have pulled me through
And everything I was is gone
And washed away for good
And everything I was is gone
And washed away for good
I'm a new man in You

To watch the lyric video of the song please visit:

To buy the single on itunes please visit:

To visit their official site please visit:

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!
2 Corinthians 5:17



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