Kaitlin Roig the Hero from Sandy Hook

Kaitlin Roig pictured
On December 13, 2012 one of the scariest moments of any parent and even American citizen lives occurred. The unthinkable happened 

A young man intruded into Sandy Hook Elementary school armed and dangerous.

This site is not taking a position on gun control, but we are confronting the issue.

Kaitlin Roig a first grade teacher at the elementary school in Newton, Connecticut  Pushed fear behind her in the sake of her students. 

Adam Lanza arrived to the school at 9:30 a.m. Adam killed his mother at the families home before going to the school. 

Kaitlin the 29 year old teacher, at the time was teaching her first graders. Hearing a gun shot, she rushed her students to a near bathroom.

Telling ABC News:
“I put one of my students on top of the toilet. I was telling them, it’s going to be OK, you’re going to be all right. I told them to be absolutely quiet because I was just so afraid if he did come in he would hear us and start shooting the door. I said there are bad guys out there now. We need to wait for the good guys.”
On record she has stated that her students were awfully brave concerning the danger they were in.
Kaitlin the went on to say,
She said: “The kids were being so good. They asked, ‘Can we go see if anyone is out there? I just want Christmas, I don’t want to die, I just want to have Christmas.’ I said, ‘You’re going to have Christmas and Hanukkah.’ I tried to be positive. If they started crying I would take their face and say it’s going to be OK. One of my students was saying, ‘I know karate, so it’s OK.’”
How brave! When the shooting finally ended and the police arrived, Kaitlin was still on her guard:
“The police came and started knocking and obviously I was completely beside myself. I said, ‘I don’t believe you. You need to put your badges under the door.’ So they put their badges under the door.”
Today on Heroic Thursday we honor the entire staff at Sandy Hook, but especially the bravery of Kaitlin Roig, for she is our hero of the day.
If it had not been for her several more students would have been in danger of Lanza, but she showed true courage in the middle of a crisis.
Thank you Kaitlin! Praying for you and your family through this difficult time in Connecticut.
Then David said to Solomon his son, “Be strong and courageous and do it. Do not be afraid and do not be dismayed, for the Lord God, even my God, is with you. He will not leave you or forsake you, until all the work for the service of the house of the Lord is finished.
-I Chronicles 28:20

If you get a chance please check out a video my friend put together of a song by another dear friend Jenn Bostic. An amazing song titled "Jealous of the Angels" it's a really great song! 


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