The Journey of a Lifetime

In March of 2009 I felt called to move to Nashville, TN from St. Louis, MO. God had placed on my heart that I needed a fresh start. I felt called to the city for several reasons, one major reason being my church The Oasis Church. I left with no agenda, and only the direction of the church. Many skeptics came my way with questions of, "What are you going to do?" and "You won't know anyone!" Stepping out in faith I began my journey. With very little money in my pocket, and little to know furniture in my car.

I had a job at Well Fargo bank because I was able to transfer from St. Louis. I am so grateful to Wells Fargo for the ability to get to the city in which I felt called. I worked for them for 3 years and wouldn't change a thing. I learned so many things through the struggles of that job. I met more people than I can count on several fingers. In June of this year(2012) I left Wells Fargo with a fresh start.

Again not sure of the direction I was going to be heading in, but the faith that God would get me through anything. I have learned in my life and still am learning that God will not have the whole staircase before you, he will have the steps before you. But you must take those steps on his command or you will have taken a detour. I would say it is a step back, but we all know with God it isn't a step back. It is a step up.

Now I find myself in the season of God you are Lord and I trust in your plan. I trust the good things you have for me. I lean not on my own understanding, but on yours. There are so many scriptures that back this up.

We are assured and know that God being a partner in their labor] all things work together and are [fitting into a plan] for good to and for those who love God and are called according to [His] design and purpose.
-Romans 8:28

For I know the thoughts and plans that I have for you, says the Lord, thoughts and plans for welfare and peace and not for evil, to give you hope in your final outcome.
-Jeremiah 29:11

Many plans are in a man's mind, but it is the Lord's purpose for him that will stand.
-Proverbs 19: 21

Purposes and plans are established by counsel; and [only] with good advice make or carry on war.
-Proverbs 20:18

We don't always know what lies ahead, but we trust that God knows all.

A few days ago I caught myself becoming insecure and questioning if someone was trying to get in the way of my purpose. The funny thing is that if it is your calling it doesn't matter who is in your way they cannot take away your calling. It was God given, and he never changes. He is constant through every situation.

As I walk through this season not knowing what is ahead, but I am excited that I do not have the answers, because that means I am so much more open to the opportunities that will come before me that God has planned.

So today as you read this I hope you see that our lives are a journey. To me it's a lifetime journey we are never finished on this road, and there are very few people on it with us, but the Lord did say:

“Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.
-Matthew 7:13-14

Photo by: Sa'mon Smith Nashville, TN 



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