It's a Wonderful Life

Do you think in 1942 Jimmy Stewart and Frank Capra knew that It's a Wonderful Life would make such an impact on the world? Do you think they knew the movie would last from generation to generation  We still talk about the movie today. It is still played all day on Christmas on NBC. 

It takes us back to the days when the world was somewhat more simple. It warms our hearts to see that struggles happen even in the movies. We meet George as a young boy who doesn't realize the impact he is making on the world. The only thing he is concerned with is leaving and becoming a traveler and making an impact on the world. Seeing places, meeting many faces. Not realizing that everything he is going through is impacting his own home which therefore is effecting the world.

George meets an angel name Clarence, and tell Clarence he wishes he was never born. Clarence says to George, "Be careful what you wish for George."

See George never understood the life impact he made in Bedford Falls. He saved so many from the hate of Old Man Potter. Who's only agenda was to make sure everyone was as unhappy as he was. 

George is given a glimpse of what life would be like without him. 

Bedford Falls is now Pottersville. His brother Harry dies because he was not able to save him when he fell in the ice, which also impacts the airplanes that Harry took down in the war.

Mary never marries, Uncle Billy enters an insane asylum, and his Mom is unhappy working for a Boarding room. Building and Loan was closed years ago, and Bailey Park never existed, it was a cemetery instead. It's sad when someone's hope and dreams are a place of death. George's park was filled with happy families, with hope and a future. To think something so beautiful instead is a place of death and broken dreams.

Thinking how much that would impact all of us is pretty heavy. 

Today I am hear to tell you that you make an impact on the world. You benefit it more than you could ever know, and without you in it think how different the world would be. No matter where you are today you can make the change and set your path to help as George did. Do not underestimate where you are. Because you are where you are on purpose, and not on accident. We need your gifts and your talents to help make the place a Wonderful life. Just as George Bailey did.

As cliche as it may be to reference a movie I was truly inspired by the message of it. To think each of us impact eachother on a daily basis and we are not even in a movie.

I believe that today each of us can do great things! 

Ask today, God who do you want me to become of this process I am in. We can all be walking closer to who he has called us to be.

For I have come down from heaven not to do My own will and purpose but to do the will and purpose of Him Who sent Me. 
-John 6: 38

I pray blessings over you this Christmas. I pray that it is very Merry and that you spend it with loved ones and remember the true meaning of Christmas. Jesus is Lord!



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