Catching my Breath

After a fantastic year, I look back thankful and grateful to every opportunity that has come my way. I have made many mistakes, but I have also had many successes. I have done things this year that I would never have thought I would ever have the opportunity to do.

As I reflect on my amazing year of growth, and blessings. I remain grateful to all the people who played a part of that in my life. Jesus thank you for loving through it all! To my father Michael Menn I say you have been such a great blessing to me in this life especially this year I appreciate you more than ever. To my mother Stacy I thank you for being such a wonderful ear and for the encouragement you have provided me. To Emily my (step)Mom which is not even the case you have been such an amazing Mother to me. Everything a mother is you are to me and I am so grateful that the Lord blessed me with you in my life!! To my sisters I miss you everyday!! To my wonderful friends who have challenged and encouraged me, Chris, Nicole, Angie Allen, Chase, Sarah, Caitlin, Cherice, Sydni, Steve, Mike, Ryan and Carrington. To the youth for growing and molding me. To my mentorships, Isaac, Alex, Andy, Carter, and Alex G. To my amazing mentor and Pastor, Adonis. To my leaders Pastor Danny and Jill at the Oasis. 

This has most certainly been a year of change for me, but with change, I am adapting better than I have ever dreamed. For the first time in my life I can look back and understand why I went through the difficult things because of where I am today. I walk in knowing that I need more of Him daily. Constantly striving to growing into the man I was called to be.

As I Catch my breath and reflect on this year I think of the song. After this year I realize that nothing can break me, and everything rests on Him; I surrender and that is the way He wants it.

You can stay who you are, or you can reach for who you want to be.

Next year I pray to have a different mind as I reflect on 2013.

God give me the wisdom I need for the next year, and give me the understanding as well.

Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding.
-Proverbs 4:7

This past year I worked with CMT, CMA, CBS, Grammy Nominations, GAC, and last but not least Oasis Church in Nashville, TN.
Very lucky and grateful to the opportunities.

I pray that reading this that God gives you the desires of His heart for you. For I know they will sustain you much more than anything of this world.

Praying Blessings and safety over the Christmas season!



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