Matthew 11:28

When I was young my mom and dad use to say, Christopher you are in such a rush to grow up. To be honest I was. I felt I was missing out on the action. I wanted the independence because I thought I knew it all. At a young age knowing it all is so far from the truth, if anything I knew nothing. Mom and Dad would always try and help and I would blow them off and shake it off as if I knew the answer. I would argue until I was blue in the face. 

Today I stand here and fully admitt that I wish I would have savored more. Cherished the days of my youth because those care free days are over and grown up life has hit me. I have bills, a job, and adult responsibilities. I firmly believe that all of our decisions effect our reality. We cannot change the past all we can do is learn from our previous decisions.

I am very thankful for where I am today and know that God's grace covers my life. The responsibilities of life can try and consume you. They can try and take over the freedom that Jesus paid for us with his blood. 

The journey in life is not always easy, and there are days where I feel overwhelmed and consumed.

Last night I felt refreshed by the word from one of our missionaries at church. I loved what she had to say about Jesus being our rest. We are to Come to him with everything because he is the only One who can satisfy. At times I can forget that. At times I can ignore, I can look for other things. But today I can say that Jesus is all I need to get by.

I felt so comforted by this verse,

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.
Matthew 11:28

All I can say is that I know I am not the only person who sometimes faces discouragement of how on earth am I going to do this. Why don't I just give up. Go home where it is safe and comfortable, but honestly I can say that I feel Gods hand over my life. I know that breakthrough is coming and I am going to keep holding on. I don't know what is next, but I know that if God is in it, then He is all I need.

Here is our proof right here:

Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life. 9 Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.
Galatians 6:8-9

We must not give up, giving up is not an option. For we are called and turning back is not the answer for where would we go?

I found comfort in Come to me by Jamie-Grace. She is as sweet as her song and I am so thankful to have met her. Thank you for writing that song.

To everyone I say, Keep fighting the good fight and do not give up!


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