The Best Days of Our Lives

The other day I went on a walk, and thought about so many things. One of the main things that stuck out in my minds was that These Days are the Best Days of your Life! We are always looking to the future, and possibly always looking back to the past. How many of you are living for today? I just realized that everything I have at this moment, I will not have forever. But that I need to rejoice in what I have. I may not Love my job, I may not Love my current financial situation.

I have so many awesome people in my life, I have a wonderful church, I have food so I won't go hungry, I have a car for transportation.

When you look at the positives they overtake the negatives.

Never live with a single regret!

What you are living now, it is only temporary, it's just a season. It may be a good season you are going through, it may be a bad season that you are being challenged through.

Just keep Loving like you have never Loved before. Tell your Loved ones how much they mean to you. Cherish each day.... For today may be your final day.

If you died today, would you have made enough of an impact on the world for your presence to be missed? Living if defined in giving, and not receiving.

If you looked back five years ago would you have ever believed that you would be hear today? Life is what you make it. So we have to make it AMAZING!

To everyone who has blessed me with their wonderful friendship thank you so much, and thank you would never be enough.

To my amazing family God truly provided wonderful people in my life. Though we have had our bumps I am so thankful That we are united.

This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. ~Psalm 118:24


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