Thoughts that help me get through everyday!

I am a born again Christian. Let me tell you what it's amazing! I live life to the fulliest because I know that I have a purpose in life. People I admire God of course, Joyce Meyer, Joel Osteen, Rick Hufton, Margie Hufton, Danny Chambers, Jillian Chambers, and last but not least Sarah Palin.

Why should we care about anyone elses Judgement? The only person we should care about is God. I really truly believe that in no way should I have the right to judge and tell people how to live their life when I don't even know how to live my own.
Gossip....If you couldn't say it to the persons face then you shouldn't say it at all.

Time with God I started devoting time with God, it's actually crazy because I never did that before....never. Now its as if I can't even get through the day without him.

I believe so passionatly that we all have purposes in life, given tasks that God wants us to accomplish.....not goals that you want but what he wants.

I don't want people to think what so ever that I am judging them because I am not, I promise your relationship with God is your buisness, and nobody elses.

Please don't feel like I am trying to preach here I am just trying to tell the love I found, and pray that if you don't have it that you find it.

God, I was struggling for so long. I felt alone like nobody knew me. My friends were disappointing me, my family was tormenting me. Until you saved me. Now I only rely on you I only pray to you. My life rests with you. I love you, and I know you love me to.


  1. I'm so glad and happy that your relationship with God is growing! Isn't He amazing, spectacular, and utterly phenomenal beyond all words?!!

    I feel so blessed to have you as a great friend! Thank you for creating the idea for our thursday nights. I always look forward to Thursday for fellowship with you and God!

    Have a great week!



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