Dear 26, Love 27

I often think if I could go back, what would I tell myself. How would I best equip myself with the knowledge and wisdom to gain in my past years. I wanted to write a letter to myself a year ago giving the best advice I could give my 26 year old self. Dear 26, This year will begin for you as a journey through a time that you will never forget. You will achieve things that you had only dreamed of in the past. It will take require a lot of courage from you, and it will not be comfortable. You will need to push past the adversity. Dreams are a funny thing and can be scary, but what in life isn't scary. After this year you will learn that nothing in life is guaranteed, and everything is worked for. Your year will begin with some incredible experiences, starting with an fantastic trip with some of your best friends to Florida. Spending the weekend in Destin just hanging with people that are there for one reason and one reason only, and that is to "Be Still." Learni...