8 is the Magic Number to Moving on

As an actor and a person, one of the hardest things to do is move on. Moving forward has always been a challenge of mine because I don't always adapt well to change. I think that I love change, but then when it gets here I do everything I can to avoid it. I have talked about this in past posts, but a reminder never hurts.

That being said, this week I am moving into a new apartment. A new apartment with a new roommate. I have been packing boxes this evening and going through things that bring a smile to my face from the past. It amazing the things that you accumulate from different seasons in your life. It's even hard to decide what to keep and what to get rid of, especially when you are moving. In my current apartment I never really quite settled. I was never quite comfortable so there were a lot things that I never took out of the boxes.

Since moving to Nashville, I have moved 8 times in about 4 years. I am quite ready to not have to move again for a little while. My mom is quite ready for me not to move again as well. I love my family, they always want the best for me. I appreciate it as well, but in Nashville I have learned you have to move where there is availability. That is not always easy.

From moving so much I have learned that you always have friend........until you move. Then you are trying to find someone to help you, but no one is there. Now I have wonderful friends, and this is no guilt trip. I know that we are all very busy with life and the last thing we have time for is to slow down and help someone move.

My point to writing on my moving journey right now, is that it's very visual. I am moving into a new apartment, but I am also moving into a new season. My bags are packed both in the figurative and literal sense. As I walk into this new chapter of my life, new doors will open. It's the preparing part that is always difficult. I am a procrastinator, and my family knows it. My father mapped out a list of instructions for me so that I would be prepared for people to help me move on Wednesday. What an amazing father I have, can I just say that. My Dad is one of the hardest working people I have ever met in my life. He isn't able to come and help me move this time, but he is doing everything he possibly can to help make this happen.

I think that God sometimes has that mindset as well. God may think, I am here walking with you making sure that every I is crossed and T is dotted, but you are going to have to walk through this door yourself. Relying on His strength and trusting in His ways. The preparation is mine, and He is constantly helping me understand what is right and wrong. What a good God we serve. He is a part of every step along the way.

Today I want to encourage you that no matter how many boxes you may be moving from the past chapters of your life, God will help you unpack them. He is going to see you through. There is no such thing as a lost cause with our Lord. He sees more in you, than you see in yourself.

So today, be ready for the amazing things that lie ahead of you. NEVER DESPISE THE MOVE.

"...Do not [earnestly] remember the former things; neither consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs forth; do you not perceive and know it and will you not give heed to it? I will even make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert..." - Isaiah 43: 18-19 (AMP) <.i>



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