Life and Media
Life and Media Why do we so badly want to be a part of a celebrity life? We watch shows that glamorize being popular. Longing to be in the in crowd. Feeling a sense of deprivation because we are not in the elite. Feeling as though we know these stars: Taylor Swift, Justin Bieber, Ellen, and any other that come to mind. We want to be in that club, we want to have as many followers, likes, retweets, shares, and anything that comes with it. We feel as though we should have those things it's a sense of entitlement. "Well if Ellen has that many likes on her photo then I should too." Almost missing the message of what life truly is and the possibility that we may never have those things. We may never have 1.4 million likes on our Instagram account. We may never be sitting in that chair next to Ellen. Through all of the hype and all of the buzz the one true thing that we should be ok with is ourselves. We should be perfectly content with what we have, we should be ok with in...